How not to date? (A series)

Manika Shrivastava
1 min readOct 7, 2023

I have been contemplating this a lot to start a series where I discuss the different dates I’ve been to and maybe(just maybe). Help people understand, what is acceptable and what is not. Help people navigate better in their dating life. I do believe in the best amongst people and I hope they learn and get better in life. To all the men I’ve been out with, thanks a lot for these experiences. I do hope some of these experiences, no one ever has to experience.

Also, not trying to be a victim. The portrayal includes the POV of both men and women. Where do they fall short and what can be done better? (What i could have done better too)

Before you ask me about how can I talk about what can be done better when I am also single? Let me tell you about it and pre-empt that scenario.

I am single because I believe there is a lot more work that needs to be done within myself to attract a better partner for me. Also, I am a strong believer in destiny. I will stumble upon the person and we will make things work. I do want to ensure I am at my best at that stage(whenever that might be)

