Who am I?

Manika Shrivastava
1 min readMar 16, 2021

It bothers alot to not know the person I actually might be. I know alot about my likings and alot about who I can be. But I'm never really sure around who am I?

Who am I to you?
Who am I to me?
Am I just someone who’s lost in the world trying to find her place?
Am I just someone who knows the purpose and wants to fulfil it everyday?
There are days when I’m sure about who I can be.
There are days when I’m not even sure if I even exist.
The unsolicited paranoia that keeps me awake at night, wondering who I might be. It makes me wonder, is it just me? Is this who you are to?

If someone else also believes this how are we so alike yet so different?

Who am I?
Just someone who’s lost in thoughts?
Or am I just someone who’s trying to make it work after all?
Who am I, if I’m not even me or if I’m not even who you think I might be!

Hopefully one day I find this who and my why.


Awkward potato

